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If you releate in any way to The Holms from Porvoo in Finland, we would like to hear from you, especially if you can't find your self in our charts


These pages is mainly about The Holms from Porvoo in Finland. The main goal is to find and document all descendants of Hans Holm, our first known ancestor born around 1640, but along the way there has also been documented many other familys that some way or another is connected to The Holms.

Why only English

Because The Holms has spread around the world today, these pages are in english, many of the Holms don't speak finnish or swedish, but most of us can manage with english. This also makes it easier to keep the pages uptodate.

The second reason is the lack of time to maintain many sets of our pages, with much greater possibility that some language is out of sync with the other ones.

About the Site owner

I got the genealogy flu in the 70's after receiving eight typewriter sheets of the research that my fathers uncle had started in the 30's. At that point in time my work was effectively keeping me away from the research, but in the 90's I started to find time for this hobby also.
At that point I also got in contact with my 4th cousin who helped alot with the finnish branch of our family. Our collaboration resulted in a book about the Holms in 2002. The book is somewhat outdated compared to all the information we have today, maybe there will be a new release someday.
I'm also the family elderman of the Holm's main branch.